HABITAT AND ECOLOGY African Buffalo inhabit a wide range of habitats, including semi-arid bushland, Acacia woodland, miombo Brachystegia woodland, montane grasslands and forest (to elevations well over 4,000 m asl), coastal savannas, and moist lowland rainforests. They are absent only from deserts and sub-deserts, such as the Namib/Kalahari, the arid Horn of Africa and the Saharan/Sahelian transition zone (Prins and Sinclair 2013, Cornélis et al. 2014).
About 70-75% of buffalo populations occur in and around protected areas (East 1999), and the future status of this species is closely linked to effective protected areas and well-managed hunting zones. In 2012 there were 166 Cape Buffalo and 135 forest buffalo in captivity (Cornélis et al. 2014). In addition, large numbers of Cape Buffalo (ca 26,000) are maintained on game farms in South Africa (Cornélis et al. 2014).
CLASS : Mammalia
ORDER : Cetartiodactyla
FAMILY : Bovidae
GENUS : Syncerus
SPECIES : African Buffalo (Syncerus caffer)
Conservation status : Near Threatened
Update : 06 April 2017