Dusky Langur (Trachypithecus obscurus)

Interesting :

Dusky langur has various types of body color. According to the report, it is stated that there are 4 types or 4 groups, the color of which is different on the light and the dark shade. However, in general, the body color of dusky langur is gray. Its hand and feet is black in color. Its face is dark-gray or black-gray in color. Its hair on the head center is lighter color than any other parts, which looks like silver. Its upper and lower lips are spotted. It has white masking spot circled around the eyes, but some of dusky langurs may not have that white spot in a full circle. Newborn dusky langur will have bright yellow-orange in color and this color will change to gray when it is 3 months old.

Habitat :

HABITAT AND ECOLOGY This species prefers closed primary forests, but is also found in old-growth secondary and disturbed forests, plantations, urban areas, and parks, suggesting a fairly high adaptive capability when compared with most colobine species. It is diurnal, primarily arboreal, and folivorous, although the diet is relatively varied and the animals will also consume fruit, flowers and other items. Individuals are able to take advantage of unripe fruit, which have chemical defenses, by the same means that they break down toxins in plant leaves, using the bacteria found in their digestive system (MacKinnon and MacKinnon 1980). Populations living in commensalism with humans frequently consume domesticated fruits and vegetables, and processed foods. This species is found in unimale-multifemale or multimale-multifemale groups, with a group size of 10-20 individuals. Home range approximates 33 ha and daily movement of 950 m/day. They are not seasonal breeders, and have a gestation period of 150 days (Groves et al. 2013). In certain places, they are sympatric with T. selangorensis, P. femoralis, and P. siamensis.

Food :

It prefers eating leafs to fruits. It also eats insects.

Behavior :

It is normally found in forests ranging from highland forest on the mountains to mangrove forests. Dusky langur does not like to expose itself to people. It will move pass trees when seeing people or hind behind the trees in order to peek at invaders.

Current Status :

This species is listed on CITES Appendix II. It is known to occur in a number of protected areas, including: Krau Wildlife Reserve, Penang Botanical Gardens, Taman Negara National Park (Malaysia); Kaeng Krachan, Khao Sam Roi Yot, Khao Sok, Phangan, Tarutao, and Thale Ban National Parks (Thailand) (Groves et al. 2013). Outside the protected areas, an isolated population at Khao Lommuak receives protection by virtue of being located within an air force base. Though population estimates are not available it is believed to be stable or showing ‘slow decline’. The insular forms are restricted and need more research and survey to understand the conservation status of these subspecies. It is relatively common in captivity.


CLASS : Mammalia

ORDER : Primates

FAMILY : Cercopithecidae

GENUS : Trachypithecus

SPECIES : Dusky Langur (Trachypithecus obscurus)

Conservation status : Endangered

Reproductive :

Dusky langur is mature and ready for mating at the age of 3 – 4 years. There is no certain season for mating. It is in heat for 3 weeks. Gestation period is around 140 - 150 days. One litter contains only one young.

Reference :

For more information

Point of view :

Update : 06 April 2017